Walking 1 Hour a Day and Get More Health Benefits

Saf Motive
5 min readApr 5, 2021


Why should Walk you for 1 hour a day?

In the modern world, everyone likes to travel in their vehicle. Traffic is more on the road and waiting time and wasting time is the bad disadvantage of it. Saf motive suggests that take a walk if you have no long distance to your working place. You can feel great. You can talk with your friends and feel the morning freshness. It is also good for your health and saves your time and money on petrol. Walking 1 hour a day will give you better sleep also.

Walking 1 hour a day can give you huge range of benefits more than you think.

We can’t believe walking, just a simple action can change your weight and can change your mood. Isn’t it? Saf motive is trying to give a motivation to do walking at regularly to achieve good health. After reading my article, you also add walking to your daily schedule. Let’s move to the health benefits of walking every day.

What are the benefits of walking you can achieve?

1.You Can Keep Your Heart Lifelong Healthy by Walking.

Regular walking lower the risk of a heart attack. Not only for healthy men but also heart patients, cardiologists advise doing walking for only 20 minutes a day. This simple exercise not going to give you more tiredness, but help to reduce your cholesterol level too. Walking reduces your blood pressure and also gives you relaxation. American heart association shows research evidence that walking daily is the best way to achieve cardiovascular fitness. Walking can reduce your stress, boost your mood and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Walking Every day is an Easy and Lazy Way to Weight Loss.

Walking can burn your calories more. But most people do not believe this truth. Research evidence proves again and again. Walking with much speed can reduce your weight more. Walking for 15 minutes after a meal can burn your fat, increase your metabolism. Instead of burning your petrol for small distances use it to walk and burn your calories. This tip not only gives you a healthy weight but also saving you money. You can read Saf motive article to lose your weight Simple tips to lose your weight within few weeks

3. For a Pregnant Woman, Walking For 15 Minutes After a Meal Can Avoid the Feeling of Vomiting and Ease Her Food Metabolism.

For a pregnant woman, walking after lunch or dinner can experience her body relaxation and easiness. Walking slowly for few minutes reduces the fullness of the stomach you don’t get a vomiting feeling. Some pregnant women experience vomiting after a meal. Walking few minutes immediately after eating can avoid vomiting.

Walking along the beach in the last trimester is good for reduce to lower labor pain. It is good for you and your baby. You can get relax and feel the fresh wind that touches your body. Good hormones are secreting inside of your body at that time and it is good for your baby.

4. Study While Walking and Sharpen Your Memory.

Do you like to be a genius in studies and have a good memory? Lots of students experiencing that concentration is lacking when studying, mind is wandering here and there. Saf motive is going to tell you a top secret to keep your attention in your studies. When I was studying at the university, I have used to study differently. I was reading my study notes, books loudly while walking here and there. Few days before an exam I repeat reading the same paragraph while walking. By this method, I could manage sleepy feelings while studying. Both mind and eyes keep attention to a book which I reading.

Most students are annoying they cant study at night and their eyes become sleepy. This is a great way to be a genius in studies. Before the exam day, walking and reading the same paragraphs and sentences reduced my stress and helped me to write my exams correctly with good memory.

5. Other Benefits of Walking Every day are, it Helps You to Have a Stable Mind and Reduce Stress.

Walking with your friend or your dog can give you a good mental health status. When you are disappointed or in a confused mind it is good to walk here and there. Sometimes we can make a good decision by thinking while walking.

You can experience relaxation and have a stable mind after you have walked for some time. If you are in a trouble, walk here and there while walking good solutions can come to your mind. Walking with your friend or walking with your dog promotes your social health and mental health. If you can take few minutes to walk for an hour, where you can reduce your stress in your working place. In leisure time you can walk and feel the beauty of nature and experience calmness.

6. Important Health Benefit of Walking 1 Hour Every day is, You Can Get Strong Bones and Flexibility.

Our muscles and bones need exercises to keep them active and healthy. We are too lazy and we have skipped the daily exercises. If you want to be active and strong in old ages you must walk daily at a young age. Walking not only gives you a long life, a young appearance but also gives you relief from muscles and joint pains. A sedentary lifestyle is the main reason for increasing heart attacks, strokes, and obesity problems. Saf motive suggests that don’t be lazy and walk after you eat and get healthy.

7. Walking For 1 Hour a Day Can Give You Better Sleep.

Walking for at least half an hour can give you a good sleep. This is the best solution for those who are suffering from insomnia and sleeping disorders. We couldn’t sleep with a full stomach that is filled with food. Before you sleepwalk for 20 minutes. It increases your metabolism and gives an urge to take rest to your body. What a pleasant idea to walk with your life partner, count the stars in the sky and eat at a restaurant. After you walk you can feel tired and your body needs rest and you can sleep early.

After you walk don’t forget to drink water. Because you may get dehydrated. The body needs more water after your walk. You can get knowledge by reading Saf motive article How drinking water can enhance your beauty and health?


You may think just walking, a simple action can give this many benefits. Walk and be healthy. Get all benefits by walking few minutes every day. Saf motive is your well-wisher. That’s why I am telling you all advantages of walking. Get the benefit of this article and add a new life habit as walking. You never feel weak or mentally stressed as long as you practice walking every day. Saf Motives has explained the importance of walking and also its health benefits. I think these article may useful to you. Finally, I like to hear your responses and your experiences after you practice walking every day. Please comment on your responses after you read the comment section. Thank you for reading.

Originally published at https://safmotive.com on April 5, 2021.



Saf Motive
Saf Motive

Written by Saf Motive

I am a Blogger, Writing Interesting Articles about #Health, #Nutrion, #Lifestyle and #Parenting related Topics

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