Why Heart Health Must be Your First Concern in Life?

Saf Motive
4 min readSep 5, 2021


How You Should Concern about Your Heart health?

Most heart disease can be prevented by following healthy life habits. It is good to follow healthy habits before you get a heart attack or stroke. Eating a healthy diet and physically being active every day can help you to gain a strong heart and reduce heart diseases. That’s why we must concern about our heart health.

Those who have a family history of heart diseases must follow a healthy lifestyle from childhood. Prevention is better than cure. Because once you get a sudden heart attack, you have to get lots of medicines. You have to expend more money on check-ups, tests, and medicines. Your mental condition also changes and your self-confidence goes down. Even though you feel well after you get medicines, you can’t do heavy exercises and lift weights. Your normal routine will get upset. You can’t behave as usual. So it’s important to take care of your heart before your heart gets sick. Let’s have a look at how you can change your lifestyle towards good heart health.

What Are The Factors Related To Heart Health?

There are so many factors co-related with heart diseases. These factors may be important risk factors for future heart diseases. Sometimes more than one factor may cause a heart attack. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle by adding good habits and quitting bad habits, you can protect your heart and concern about your heart health.

1. Exercise and Heart Health

Regular exercise has been linked with cardiovascular health. It can burn your bad cholesterol, lower your blood pressure and reduce your weight. You can maintain healthy body weight by regular exercise. Through exercise, the heart gets more oxygen and becomes strong. A sedentary lifestyle eventually leads to heart disease. Because some people used to eat while watching television. Then we can’t measure how much we eat. Sleeping immediately after eating, not metabolize your food well. It is good if you can walk 20 minutes after you eating.

Sports as swimming, cycling, and athletics boost your heart health. But heart patients must avoid vigorous exercises and do walking and jogging as light exercises. Because Getting too much tiredness is bad for the heart of heart patients.

2. Oil, Salt, Sugar, and Flour Consumption

Too much oil consumption increases cholesterol levels and builds clots inside heart arteries. Because of its stroke and heart attacks happen. Sunflower oil and olive oil are good for prepare foods to protect your heart. Salt also increases blood pressure and is not good for your heart. If you can maintain a low salt, low oil, low sugar, and low salt diet always can bring you a healthy life without diseases.

3. Stress

Over workload, departure of a loved one, or some other reason people get stress. Physiological conditions have direct and indirect impacts on heart health. Stress makes you inactive, makes you feel sad, and changes your hormones levels in the body. Managing stress is a must and it helps you to have a strong heart. A positive mind leads to a low risk of heart diseases and death. Happiness, gratitude and satisfaction, positive mind, friends and family relationships, and enough sleep can reduce your day-to-day stress.

4. Tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol have really harmful chemicals that lead to cancer and heart attacks. Continued usage weakens your heart step by step. Smokers are more likely to have heart diseases than non smokers. Alcohol and smoking are major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

5. Anger and Depression

Anger increases blood pressure and weakens your heart. Studies have shown that anger increases the risk of heart diseases. Positive thinking improves heart health. When you laughing good hormones secretes in your body whereas bad hormones secrete while you are angry. That’s why anger management and stress management is important.

6. Artificial foods

Processed foods and artificial foods increase heart diseases and mortality. Because harmful chemicals may include in processed foods. Always we must avoid artificial flavors included foods and consume more fresh foods regularly.

7. Medications

Those who had previous heart attacks must concern about their medications. Medicines should get at the right time with the right doses. Because after a heart attack, it takes more time to recover the damage. To protect from other heart attacks heart patients must visit cardiologists and follow their advice.

The other thing is we must use drugs and medicines only a physician’s prescription. Some drugs have interactions with drugs that are using for heart diseases. That’s why heart patients must take medicines with the advice of a cardiologist.


Saf motive has given you important factors to concern your heart health. Before we get a heart disease we can prevent it by being aware of the risk factors of heart diseases. Because there are lots of people dying from heart attacks and strokes every day. If we can concern about our heart health from childhood, we can definitely protect our heart from heart diseases. I like to know your comments. Give your valuable ideas and suggestions in the comment section.

Originally published at https://safmotive.com on September 5, 2021.



Saf Motive
Saf Motive

Written by Saf Motive

I am a Blogger, Writing Interesting Articles about #Health, #Nutrion, #Lifestyle and #Parenting related Topics

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